Thursday, November 1, 2007

The First Report 11/1/07

Welcome readers to the first edition of "The Wyrm News". I am your host, his Majesty Supreme Justice Mythos Wyrm of the New Swedish Empire. Now that I have introduced myself the news will begin.
The News
On October 31, 2007 five teenage boys and three 7 year old girls stole a total of 736 pounds and 9 ounces of candy from houses on Saybrook, Washington, Silsby, and Traymore roads of University Heights, Ohio. They were hired by Mayor Beryl E. Rothschild so that she could have as much candy as she wanted. The candy was going to be hid in the "salt" storage facility behind city hall, but the EPA said that the facility was not up standards a.k.a there was no tarp over the cardboard box. The candy was then confiscated and sent to the FBI to make sure that terrorists didn't poison the candy with HIV. No more information at the time.

REAL NEWS ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On Wednesday October 24, 12 year old Allerric Wilkes passed out during gym at Wiley Middle School. He died later that evening at the hospital. We will never forget him.
Letter of the Day
Today's letter of the day is Quazi (#%^). It is used in two words (#%^)hgiity and n(#%^)criyup.
Number of the Day
Today's number is 12476897635072356327634.52376015670163758610661114841. If you find its square and square root you get a piece of chocolate.
Wisdom from the Wise Guy's Mouth.
"Potato Chips are good for your stomach bacteria"
Read tomorrow for more wisdom
This has been today's report. Check tomorrow for more news.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I went to school with Allerric, and the day after he died was the hardest day I have ever had get through...R.I.P. Allerric. He was a really great full of energy and happiness, he cherished every second he had in life....:(