Friday, April 11, 2008

Photo Gallery of my ordeal

Two wonderful artists took it upon themselves to record my ordeal in Art. Here are the works of art.
The American Forces: by- Flame

The Swedes: By Flame and Flare

The Torture Chamber: by- Flare

The escape: By-Flame and Flare

An overview of My adventure

Finally I am back from that horrible prison cell. It has been only two days since I arrived back at palace. It all began on February 23 when a group of 32 helicopters was seen on the distance. Behind them was a fleet of aircraft carriers, battleship, Patrol Boat and more. There must of been hundreds of ships. I readied my army and soon the forces landed. There was an impressive battle but the American forces prevailed, not because of skill but because of numbers. They took me away to the United Nations Military Compound and Torture Facilities. There they tortured me five hours a day and seven days a week, trying to get me to admit that New Sweden was making nuclear weapons. I never gave in because New Sweden wasn't making nuclear weapons, so I wouldn't be lying. I stayed there until eight days ago when some Fijians felt sorry for me and helped me escape to Fiji where i got a plane ticket to Helsinki. Then I hiked to Jakobstad, Finland where some of my army arrived to help me ecape to New Sweden where I restored my rule. I will get revenge.