Sunday, November 23, 2008

Ask a Demon Slayer #1

Here it is. I had so many great questions that it was sad I could choose so few to answer.

Dear Deamon Slayer-
I love you. I love you so much I love you. I cannot think what it is like not to love you. I love you more than Chuck Norris. That is how much I love you.

Dear Love Struck-
Get your head out the clouds. I don't even know who you are. So do something useful and join the army. We love our volunteers.

Dear Mythos-
How come you get an e-mail and everything while I am stuck rotting in a hut in the middle of Tibet?

Dear Crynearg-
Hi. It isn't my fault you drew the Popsicle stick that said- Middle of the Himalayas. It was luck. You are better off than Annawyn- she is stuck in Canada. Man it sucks to be her. Also don't use our true names in public letters. It changed them when I saw what you did but be careful.

Dear Demon-Slayer-
Can I have your autograph?
-A cool dude like you
Dear Fat guy like Titan-Slayer-
Sure. I have autograph sessions at my palace every full moon from 6-9Pm. See you there.

Dear Demon Slayer-
I have a proposition to make. Start using the English mode of Tengwar for all offcial business. It will keep things secret.
Dear Orlando Bloom-

Dear Demon Slayer-
I hate you.
Dear Froggy-
Did you know I eat frog legs for breakfast. They taste good, you should try tsometime.

Dear Demon Slayer-
Dear Idiot-
Quit annoying me. I told you at my last autograph session I do not accept checks for my bribes. A little cash is fine though.

Dear Ugly Butt-
You are under arrest for terrorism. We have troops surrounding your palace as you read this. You will be brought to justice for your atrocities.
-Barack Obama
Dear He-who-houses-terrorist-sticks-
You aren't president yet. Plus I received this letter last week. You need to learn who to keep up with your threats. Plus what Atrocities have I committed? Was it not endorsing you for the election. Man you want to follow in Bushiee Boy's footsteps. See you at the world leaders barbecue next week.

Man, I need a new way for choosing which letters to answer. Pulling them out of a hat doesn't work. Send in your new letters. Due date will be announced later.


Anonymous said...

Hello Mythos,
It is Sean. Can I still "Ask A Demon Slayer"?

How should I send you an essay for that contest? Will you actually announce winners and post their essays?

By the way, you definetly need to add some Star Wars theme songs to the playlist for music.

Justice Mythos Wyrm said...

Hi, Person. Yes You can still ask a demon-slayer. You know my e-mail, just send it to me. Send me the essay to my e-mail, which again you know, and yes I will actually announce the winners and post the essays. By the way, I had Star Wars music, but it wasn't working So I had to take it off. I will try again soon. I also have a feeling since most of the essays sent to my so far have a summary like this: The boy ate a dog. Then he killed someone. YOu will do very well. Hope I answerd your questions.

Anonymous said...

Yes you did. Thanks.