Sunday, January 13, 2008


थिस इस कूल यू क्नो। आईटी रेअल्ली इस। यू शौल्ड तरी आईटी सोमेतिमे। मुफ्फ्फिन न्यूज़ दोएसं'टी क्नो हाउ तो दो थिस। हा हा हा।
This is weird. Okay its back to normal sorry. Now for the news. Today at 9:36 am the Purple Commandos (as they're called) protested at an animal shelter run by PETA. They put up signs saying things like "PETA PROMOTES GLOBAL WARMING" or "BE DRUNK, BE PETA". Nobody was hurt but PETA swears revenge for one of their test tube monkeys was released into the Wild. I know this is boring news but nothing has really happened. Maybe some other time.

Signing out.

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