Friday, January 8, 2010

The Wise Corner- #1 Introduction

Many of you have problems. Long ago I had problems too. But I fought my problems and became better. I am now ever telling people who to solve their problems. See when I was a young boy, there was no such thing as hippies. Also there was no such thing as video games, and telephones. In fact there was no electricity, or Romans. There was just open plains and nature. It was very fun. Then they came. They were very scary and killed my family. They also burned my village and killed everybody. The only thing left was me and my walking stick. So I left out into the world. I traveled for many years, and then I ran into this man who told me that he was looking for me. But more amazingly he spoke my language. See I thought that I was the only speaker left, for my village was the last stronghold for the Kwhúúm, which were my people. Our lands had been overrun by the Tâp'iiqhí for many years. And this man gave me sage advice. He told me that Even if life comes and kills your family, destroys all you know and makes you a fugitive, you should still become a learner of wisdom. And so that has been my journey. Thank you.

- Yâtjâ Npàmthk'ííqqhàdu
Wise Guy

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