Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Nobel Peace Prize

Barack Obama should not have received the 2009 Nobel peace prize. He has done absolutely nothing to deserve the peace prize. In fact I, Lord Justice Mythos Wyrm, deserved more than him. And I am just a crazy old warmonger. The only reason Obama got the peace prize is because he is overly loved by those extremely neurotic mainstream Europeans. Meaning Western Europeans, especially from the Northern Countries. The fact that Obama got the peace prize over some one else that actually did something for peace, like Brad Pitt, is completely atrocious and should be a horrible thought to any true-minded Homo Sapiens, or Homo Neanderthalensis. Brad Pitt is more qualified for the Nobel Prize than Obama (have to find a good reason for this though). All this shows is that Obama can suck up to Norwegians, which isn’t actually that hard in all actuality. The lack of thought being put into the Nobel prizes reveals other problems about the prizes. For instance, they are awarded in Oslo, which is a Norwegian city, yet the monetary prize is Swedish Krona. And the prize is Swedish, yet it is given out in Norway. The Swedes and Norwegians should not be cooperating. Everyone knows that. Doesn’t the Nobel Prize Association know the prophecy? All New Swedish citizens are required to memorize the prophecy, and know that Norwegians and Swedes are never to mix. The idea of Swedes and Norwegians being together makes up the entire fourteenth verse of the prophecy, yet they are getting along just fine. These maniacs are trying to ruin the world. Why don’t they understand the predicament that they are mercilessly pulling the world into? Especially because they also fulfilled the twenty-ninth verse of the prophecy by giving Obama the peace prize this year. These people need to realize their massive mistakes and fix them before the prophecy is fulfilled and life as almost everyone knows it ends. Returning to the peace prize issue, I just realized that I should get the peace prize for a variety of things, including revealing the problems being created by the prize itself. But of course, I would have to impolitely refuse the prize, lest I would become a hypocrite and hopefully my refusal will spark a Swedo-Norwegian (not Pseudo-Norwegian) war. I give many thanks to you if you managed to read through, understand and stomach my overly
long and tedious rant.


Ammon Allred said...

What about the speech you gave in Alexandria? Or the one in Prague?

Justice Mythos Wyrm said...

By Alexandria are you talking about my one urging the people to burn down the library, the one urging little Alexander to quit naming his cities after himself. And by Prague do you mean the one commanding the Jews to rebel and in order to do this I taught them how to make a golem, or the one where I told Mr Zlamaljelito to knock the wall dividing his and my property.