Wednesday, October 21, 2009

In reposnse

The last post was a response to complaints we had from PETA over them not being able to read our message to them. So we simplified our message. Hopefully they could understand that. FYI, the original message was:

In response to your unfounded criticisms of our wondrously effective bureaucratic government system, we, the anti slanderous propaganda subcommittee of the committee of propaganda, in the congress of press, in the department of law enforcement, in the council of defense, have a few words to say to you. We wish for you to cease any libelous propaganda against the government, and resists any feeling to publish the horrendous and astronomically falsified advertisements the opposes the wonderful and unbelievably omnipotent administration in control of this civilization. Any Failure to heed the previously stated announcement, by a member of your terrorist organization will be revealed to the general populace of our civilization through the mourning of your loved ones following extended disappearances to incomprehensible government interment facilities.

Surprsing they couldn't understand it, eh?

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