Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I hate Lawn Care

Well, my lawn mower. He was Norwegian, so I knew I couldn't trust him. Claimed I was endangering his health. I don't know what he was talking about. DDT, Parathion and other pesticides have never hurt anyone. Not even a fly. So he quit and guess who had to mow the massive palace lawn when he left. ME!!!!!!!! Well the lawn is a few acres and all we had was a push gas mower dating from 1823 (exaggeration), a reel mower that was even older and a scythe. Of course the gas mower was broken and only had three wheels and the reel mower hadn't be oiled since the Nazi's invaded Norway. So naturally I used the scythe. I little while later I was bored. So I am turning about 3 acres into a Safari Park, so that I have excuse for really long grass. Bye.

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