Monday, June 30, 2008

General Forum #1

This will be the first general forum of the Wyrm News. In it people will discuss their views on a topic. The topic for this forum is: The Large Hadron Collider: Good or Bad? Remember to tell why you chose the side you chose and argue with people who chose a different side. Enjoy. For information on the LHC click on this link Or you can just google it.


Ammon Allred said...

I am for it. Because it will probably teach us stuff. And if it destroys the universe, we won't have time to realize we were wrong.

Justice Mythos Wyrm said...

Good reasoning. I am for it too, but more for the reason tso that i can learn about some new aunthought of particle to take over the world with!!!!!! muhahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

Anonymous said...

i thought i was the only one who actually paid attention to this stuff. i agree with ideas man.


Justice Mythos Wyrm said...

Hey ace of spades, why did you comment anounously? Also when will you be done with your killer parking meter report.