Monday, February 18, 2008

Kosovo: Why We Support It

As you might have heard Kosovo has declared it's independence from Serbia. This has created mixed reactions throughout the world, with countries having to decide whether or not to support Kosovo. Here in New Sweden we support Kosovo. We believe that It deserves to have freedom from a country that has, for the most part, different religions, ethnic groups culture and more. We also do not care what Russia think about all of this. The only Russians we have respect for are various ethnic groups, some dead Russians, and the inhabitants of Vladstokengrad. We don't care if Russia nukes us because both it and UN recognize us as part of Sweden. Finally places that want to be countries but aren't have a bond together, just like us an Vladstokengrad or Western Borkastinia. Thats is why we support Kosovo, even when it means agreeing with the Americans.

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