Sunday, January 27, 2008

Wanted: The Kupkake Killer

Yesterday at 1:00 PM Brazilian Standard Time, during a speech given by the Grand Dude of Kupkake, a crazed man ran into the auditorium with an assault rifle and shot 17 people, set off a bomb and did the chicken dance before escaping. 12 of the 17 people shot were killed and the other five that were shot are in critical status. Of the other casualties 14 died from the bomb blast and another 23 are injured and 1 person died from the complete inability of the killer being able to do the chicken dance. Translation 1 person died because the killer couldn't dance. Total casulties 27 dead, 28 injured. The killer is still at large. If you see a man that looks like this ---------------------------->
please report him to the department of Kupkakian Defence.

Kupkake is a country populated mainly by hippies. Its capital city is Kookie, a large city on the Atlantic ocean. The country is located near Rio de Janeirio. More information when I have time.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Rights of a Minor

A few days ago an anonymous American teenager wrote to us explaining how New Sweden was a Minor's dream, a place where children where children have equal rights. He told of how in America, parents do not have to disclose important information about their (the parents) past lives, the food they are forced to eat, why the governments is so corrupt ect. He gave praise to New Sweden for laws like the compulsory information act, which forces parents to answer any questions asked by their children, or be sent to court and the fact that you can vote once you turn 13. It was a letter full a praise and we understood his hardship. We wish we could help him but we don't have the ability to because the parents have more rights then the minors, unlike in New Sweden. Still we wish him thanks for his letter.

न्यू स्वीडन सुप्पोर्ट्स थे सेव थे बिल्बिएस फंड। प्लेअस्से दोनाते टुडे.

Sunday, January 13, 2008


थिस इस कूल यू क्नो। आईटी रेअल्ली इस। यू शौल्ड तरी आईटी सोमेतिमे। मुफ्फ्फिन न्यूज़ दोएसं'टी क्नो हाउ तो दो थिस। हा हा हा।
This is weird. Okay its back to normal sorry. Now for the news. Today at 9:36 am the Purple Commandos (as they're called) protested at an animal shelter run by PETA. They put up signs saying things like "PETA PROMOTES GLOBAL WARMING" or "BE DRUNK, BE PETA". Nobody was hurt but PETA swears revenge for one of their test tube monkeys was released into the Wild. I know this is boring news but nothing has really happened. Maybe some other time.

Signing out.