Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Announcements 10/27/09

His Majesty's the Royal Supreme High Lord Sir Justice Mythos Wyrm University's Fighting Berserkers have a Demon Ball game on Friday at 7:30 Pm. It is the first game of the Season, so be there or you will be missing out on a lot of fun. The wise guy will be having a lecture called "How to Climb the Mount Everest of our life, or Get a baseball glove and be prepared to shoot a twenty-two," on Thursday October 29th, from Noon until 5:00 PM, at the Robert Ward Auditorium. It will be very interesting and all people are invited to attend, especially if you have a special invitation. Thats all for now.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Nobel Peace Prize

Barack Obama should not have received the 2009 Nobel peace prize. He has done absolutely nothing to deserve the peace prize. In fact I, Lord Justice Mythos Wyrm, deserved more than him. And I am just a crazy old warmonger. The only reason Obama got the peace prize is because he is overly loved by those extremely neurotic mainstream Europeans. Meaning Western Europeans, especially from the Northern Countries. The fact that Obama got the peace prize over some one else that actually did something for peace, like Brad Pitt, is completely atrocious and should be a horrible thought to any true-minded Homo Sapiens, or Homo Neanderthalensis. Brad Pitt is more qualified for the Nobel Prize than Obama (have to find a good reason for this though). All this shows is that Obama can suck up to Norwegians, which isn’t actually that hard in all actuality. The lack of thought being put into the Nobel prizes reveals other problems about the prizes. For instance, they are awarded in Oslo, which is a Norwegian city, yet the monetary prize is Swedish Krona. And the prize is Swedish, yet it is given out in Norway. The Swedes and Norwegians should not be cooperating. Everyone knows that. Doesn’t the Nobel Prize Association know the prophecy? All New Swedish citizens are required to memorize the prophecy, and know that Norwegians and Swedes are never to mix. The idea of Swedes and Norwegians being together makes up the entire fourteenth verse of the prophecy, yet they are getting along just fine. These maniacs are trying to ruin the world. Why don’t they understand the predicament that they are mercilessly pulling the world into? Especially because they also fulfilled the twenty-ninth verse of the prophecy by giving Obama the peace prize this year. These people need to realize their massive mistakes and fix them before the prophecy is fulfilled and life as almost everyone knows it ends. Returning to the peace prize issue, I just realized that I should get the peace prize for a variety of things, including revealing the problems being created by the prize itself. But of course, I would have to impolitely refuse the prize, lest I would become a hypocrite and hopefully my refusal will spark a Swedo-Norwegian (not Pseudo-Norwegian) war. I give many thanks to you if you managed to read through, understand and stomach my overly
long and tedious rant.

In reposnse

The last post was a response to complaints we had from PETA over them not being able to read our message to them. So we simplified our message. Hopefully they could understand that. FYI, the original message was:

In response to your unfounded criticisms of our wondrously effective bureaucratic government system, we, the anti slanderous propaganda subcommittee of the committee of propaganda, in the congress of press, in the department of law enforcement, in the council of defense, have a few words to say to you. We wish for you to cease any libelous propaganda against the government, and resists any feeling to publish the horrendous and astronomically falsified advertisements the opposes the wonderful and unbelievably omnipotent administration in control of this civilization. Any Failure to heed the previously stated announcement, by a member of your terrorist organization will be revealed to the general populace of our civilization through the mourning of your loved ones following extended disappearances to incomprehensible government interment facilities.

Surprsing they couldn't understand it, eh?

A re-written note to PETA.

Hate you. We do. You die. Not us. Just you. You die. Happy us. not you. Ha Ha.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Man this has been a busy few months. First of all my absence was for magic testing. We have reached great heights in identifying people with magical talent. Secondly I was helping edit the Harry Potter novels. They will soon be unbanned in their premium version. Thirdly there was some conferences i needed to attend. You know boring stuff like that. But I am proud to announce that the First Term of His Majesty's the Royal Supreme High Lord Sir Justice Mythos Wyrm University has begun. I wish our incoming students much luck, especially the ones who are there for the magic classes. See you soon. Oh as a final note: HMRSHLSJMWU is pronounced as (non ipa) Hemur-Shils-Jem-Woo.