Friday, September 26, 2008

Poll results

These are the results for my latest poll:

Question: Why does almost nobody comment on my blog?

Answers: Because nobody reads it- 0 (0%)
Because non of your readers have a blogger account. 0 (0%)
Because they are too lazy to comment. 1/20 (5%)
Because your blog sucks. 1/20 (5%)
This spot can only be chosen if you are the Mythos Wyrm since he seems to be the only one who votes in these polls. 18/20 (90%)

Analysis: i am the only person who votes on my polls. Except for two random people. Also 5% of the World population (336,250,000 people out of 6,725,000,000)think my blog sucks 5% of the population (336,250 people out of 6,725,000,000) thought my readers are too lazy to comment and 90% of the worlds population (6,052,500,000 out of 6,725,000,000) are ruled by my and do my every bidding. COOL!

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